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GK Legal Group (Law Firms) in Huntington Beach

Full information about GK Legal Group in Huntington Beach: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. GK Legal Group on the map, description and reviews.

Law Firms in Huntington Beach

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Contact details of GK Legal Group:

1400 North Harbor Boulevard, #601, Huntington Beach, California (CA), 92835


[email protected]


GK Legal Group opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-8:00pm; Sat: 8:30am-8:00pm; Sun: Closed


Reviews about GK Legal Group:

About GK Legal Group:

No one expects to be involved in a personal injury accident. A car crash is a shock. Where do you look for help? Our attorney at GK Legal Group is experienced and relentless in his pursuit of your case. Insurance companies look to minimize claims and, when possible, deny them altogether. You need an experienced advocate protecting your rights to compensation.
Whether you were injured in motor vehicle crash involving a car or truck, or slipped and fell in a store or some other business, our attorney knows how to create a compelling case. Our attorney works closely with you, helps you understand the law, how it applies to your personal injury case and your legal options. We can help you file your claim and get the compensation you need.


Law Firms nearest to GK Legal Group:

Harlan William D Attorney Huntington Beach, Law Firms;    1440 N Harbor Blvd#800, Huntington Beach, CA, 92835-4127;    (714) 449-3360

Leigh Jacobs Attorney At Law Huntington Beach, Law Firms;    1440 N Harbor Blvd#250, Huntington Beach, CA, 92835-4127;    (714) 871-8623

Peterson Oliver & Poll A Law Corporation Huntington Beach, Law Firms;    1440 N Harbor Blvd#225, Huntington Beach, CA, 92835-4127;    (714) 871-3191

Srivastav Indu Attorney At Law Huntington Beach, Law Firms;    1440 N Harbor Blvd, Huntington Beach, CA, 92835-4127;    (714) 447-9695